What every woman needs to know about eating healthy during menopause

Menopause is a natural part of life, but it can have unwanted consequences.  Luckily, many of these symptoms can be dominated through simple changes to your diet.  Find out how to reduce hot flashes, lose weight, and protect you bones and heart.

Reduce hot flashes:

  1. Drink water: Staying hydrated may make hot flashes less frequent.  It will certainly help to replace the lost fluids and keep you more comfortable.
  2. Avoid triggers: There are also beverages and food that tend to aggravate hot flashes. Try cutting back on caffeine, spicy dishes and alcohol.
  3. Try soy: Expert opinions vary, but there is some evidence that isoflavones in plant-based foods may help to alleviate hot flashes and other menopause symptoms. Good choices include soy products in their most natural state, like edamame, tofu and soy milk.

Manage your weight:

  1. Calculate your portions: Enjoy your favourite foods but limit the serving size. Trying to avoid any treats can backfire because you are more likely to start craving chocolate, chips and sweets.
  2. Increase your fibre intake: Eating more fibre is one of the easiest ways to slim down because you’ll feel full while eating fewer calories. Your metabolism slows down as you age. Also, after menopause, women tend to gain weight around their waistline, where it can have the most harmful health effects.
  3. Make high-impact choices: Would you like to simplify your diet with just 3 steps? According to a study done by a University of Pittsburgh, cutting back on sugar, consuming more fruits and vegetables, and limiting cheese and meat helped post-menopausal women lose weight and keep it off.
  4. Load up on fruit and vegetables: In addition to providing important nutrients, fruit and vegetables are packed with fiber. Another good source are whole grains.
  5. Exercise regularly: Eating healthy works even better when you make it part of an active lifestyle. Aim for at least 30 minutes of moderate exercise on 3 days a week or more.

Protect your bones and heart:

  1. Focus on omega-3 fatty acids: A diet rich in omega-3s helps to reduce LDL (low-density lipoprotein) cholesterol and may even help prevent mood swings. Dine on fatty fish like mackerel and tuna, and snack on seeds and nuts. Ask your doctor about taking supplements if you think you need more.
  2. Consume more vitamin D: Vitamin D is also essential for bone health and comes from sunlight and food sources. Talk with your doctor about how much you need.
  3. Monitor your calcium: A diet rich in calcium helps to slow down bone loss, especially if you start early. Whatever your age, make sure you are eating a variety of foods like dairy products, salmon, seeds, green vegetables and almonds.
  4. Choose whole foods: The same diet that’s beneficial for your overall health will help strengthen your bones and heart. It’s recommended to eat a variety of fruit and vegetables, whole grains, lean proteins, healthy fats and nuts and legumes. That’s important because the risk of heart disease and osteoporosis increases after menopause.
  5. Cut back on sodium: A diet high in sodium can raise your blood pressure and make you more vulnerable to osteoporosis. Most of the salt in your diet possibly comes from processed foods such as canned soups, frozen dinners and condiments, so try to prepare more meals from scratch and read labels attentively.

While you are caring for your body, remember that menopause can also have mental effects, like mood changes and memory issues. Save room in your diet for brain foods such as blueberries and fatty fish.

In general, choosing to eat healthy is one of the most effective ways to reduce your risk for conditions associated with menopause and stay active in your golden years.

Take care, xxx

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