8 Tips to beat the ageing process

8 Tips to beat the ageing process

We all age, that’s inevitable.  However, there are some things you can do to slow this process.  Here are 8 simple tips that may help you:

1. Sleep more:

Hence the name “Beauty Sleep”.  A good night sleep can do wonders for your health, you will look more relaxed.  So go ahead and get plenty of sleep.  And don’t feel guilty about that afternoon nap (or the “siesta” as we call it here in Spain. – Supplements that can help you if you have trouble falling asleep, click here or here (affiliate links)

2. Stay happy:

I know, sometimes it is hard to be happy but try anyway, even when you feel down.  Try to put a smile on your face when you walk out the door, you will be surprised of the effect is has on other people and on yourself.  Don’t forget “frowning” does speed up the development of fine lines and wrinkles and you don’t want that, do you?

3. Weight training:

Now, hold your horses.  Before you say that you will only gain bulk, believe me, you will not end up like the Hulk.  Weight training helps you to tone and strengthen your body.  It is also good for bone protection and, last but not least, you will get a healthy glow that will make you look and feel younger.  Hey, what more do you want?  Get started.  You can start with cans or half liter bottles so you don’t give me any excuses for not starting with weight training.

4. Eat your vegetables

I ‘forget’ to eat vegetables because I don’t really like them.  They are good for you, I know that, just try to eat the ones that you like, that’s what I do.  Vegetables are full of vitamins and minerals, which are good for keeping you strong, healthy and young.  The same goes for fruit. 

5. Ditch your bad habits:

Like smoking and/or drinking alcohol way too much.  These habits are really bad for you.  They make you look older than you are.  I give you an example: a friend of mine smokes and drinks excessively and although he is only 50 years of age, he looks at least 15 years older.  Is that what you want?  I don’t think so.  So ditch the ciggies and cut down on your drinking.

6. Drink plenty of water:

I like water.  There are so many reasons to drink more water on a daily base.  For instance, it keeps you hydrated and improves skin complexion (say bye-bye to your wrinkles and hello to glowing skin) – it promotes weight loss (because of the tummy filling when your drink before you start eating) – it relieves fatigue – it flushes out toxins – it nourishes your hair and nails (they will thank you for it) and so much more it is good for.  So go ahead and start drinking water.  If you don’t like the taste of water try to add some fruit with it to give a flavour.

7. Reduce stress:

Anything that will help you to reduce stress is good for you.  Stress makes you look and feel older.  Find something that will help you to reduce stress.  Some examples are: watch or read comedies, go for a walk with your dog (if you have one), go for a walk in nature (like the beach or the woods), go out and have a coffee (do some people watching or stare at the sky), sit outside in your garden (listen and smell nature), have a chat with a friend (or neighbour, nieces, nephews, …), listen to your favourite music, …

8. Get your mind busy:

It is not just a healthy body, a healthy mind is also important in slowing down the ageing process.  Read plenty of books, do puzzles, learn something new or do whatever you want to do to keep your mind busy.

Until next time xxx

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