10 ways to lose weight without fad diets that don’t help

Whether you believe it or not, your weight is an important factor in your physical, social and romantic life.  Sooner or later you will have to decide if you need to begin focusing on losing a few kilos and moving towards a healthier you.  I hope the information here will help you guide along the path so you can reach your destination quicker.

  1. Take the stairs instead of the elevator: It’s a simple tip but it really works.  This is also a great workout for your legs and bum.
  2. Be careful with the salad dressing: Dress your salad with a little bit of (flavoured) vinegar and/or a touch of oil, or use a non-fat or low-fat dressing.  Also avoid high-fat extras such as cheese, croutons and bacon bits.
  3. Set realistic goals: For instance, don’t aim for losing 4-5 kg a week, this will leave you feeling discouraged and you’d probably give up.  Just take your time and keep a good mindset.
  4. Eat slowly: If you slow down the speed you eat (you can do this by setting down your fork between bites or holding a conversation), you will more easily recognize it when you are full
  5. Serve your food on a plate in the kitchen: if you serve food at the table where your family is gathered, it’s easier to pile up your plate with food.  
  6. Look for new recipes: You might have to replace certain ingredients.  Experiment with the recipes you already know and learn new ones that you can easily adapt to your needs.
  7. Do not compete with others: Each person is different and therefore each person loses weight differently; by comparing yourself to others, your motivation could be lost.  
  8. Set up a diet that is as natural as possible: Remove as many processed foods as you can, this will help you reduce your caloric intake while increasing the quality of the food you eat.  This way, you will remain healthy while losing weight.
  9. Make a habit of eating 3 times a day: preferably at the same time every day.  This will help you stay away from snacks and also help you reduce the quantitiy of food that you eat.
  10. Allow yourself a treat: Deprivation is one of the biggest causes of weight loss failure.  When you completely deprive yourself of foods you love, it can often lead to a binge if your intention weakens.  Instead of completely eliminating your favourite junk food, allow yourself a small amount as a s treat once in a while.  Moderation is the key – a single cookie instead of the whole package will satisfy your sweet tooth without spoiling your diet.

No two people can follow the exact same pattern, but the tips offered above are great for nearly any size and lifestyle.  You can find a way to adjust the routines and fit yourself into a schedule that results in looking and feeling better.  It’s never too late to start dropping a dress size.

Remember: you can do it.


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